Sunday, March 22, 2009

Product Presention - I

Buyers spend lots of energy in buying and developing the merchandise before it finally hits the stores. Sometimes, however , it is forgotten that one very critical aspect is the way the product is presented to customers in the store and overlook issues such as packaging and in-store display. The importance of the saying ‘ JO DIKTA HAI WOH BIKTA HAI’ cannot be overestimated. Proper display and presentation can make all the difference between achieving or not achieving sales targets. Remember the following
1. Visual Merchandising : Be involved in the planning of the in-store presentation of your merchandise. Adequately plan the MDQ’s ( Minimum Display Quantities).

2. Communicating Ideal presentation standards :
Effectively communicate to the store staff on how the merchandise should be displayed and the ideal presentation standards. This could be by way of talking to sales staff directly, sending mail before the merchandise arrives at the stores or making a detailed manual at the beginning of each season.
Remember to Look for ways in which the job of the sales staff can be made easier by improving packing and display methods of the product.

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the importance of presntation of products. Special care should be taken on this


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